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Hot Search: event hero diamonds
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Reward S37... When? 新人帖 - [Resolved] Happiness 2014-9-5 969 Horder 2014-9-17 03:09
Reward Fps bps ratio - [Resolved] Kevin 2014-7-20 541 Dormin 2014-9-16 07:33
Reward Air or ground? 新人帖 - [Resolved]  ...2 Helga 2014-6-17 1557 Dormin 2014-9-16 07:27
Reward S35 worst player 新人帖 - [Resolved] LoveGravy. 2014-6-17 667 Dormin 2014-9-16 07:22
Reward Officers name 新人帖 - [Resolved] Enforcer 2014-6-17 526 sdr 2014-9-14 21:11
Wistone killing game.... He-1 on diamond strike , apple gets involved now fel 2014-8-26 382 Spekt 2014-9-14 04:30
Reward Help pls round 2 - [Resolved] imahottie 2014-7-4 636 Horder 2014-9-13 22:58
Reward Truce for longer than 120 h :) - [Resolved]  ...2 Enforcer 2014-6-17 1147 Specific 2014-9-12 22:38
Reward Fps 新人帖 - [Resolved] Mar2 2014-6-17 634 Specific 2014-9-12 22:29
Reward Whats the ratio of fps-bps? - [Resolved] MAR 2014-7-20 326 Specific 2014-9-12 22:27
Reward Ransack at 18 h 新人帖 - [Resolved] FTWDare 2014-6-17 328 Specific 2014-9-12 22:23
Reward Fps -bps ratio 新人帖 - [Resolved] raW 2014-6-17 320 Specific 2014-9-12 22:22
Reward Ransack type of field 新人帖 - [Resolved] mar5 2014-6-17 417 Specific 2014-9-12 22:21
Reward Infantry 新人帖 - [Resolved] Pilot 2014-6-17 322 Specific 2014-9-12 22:20
Reward Troops wise 新人帖 - [Resolved] MAR 2014-6-17 834 Specific 2014-9-12 22:15
Reward Nnsnnans - [Resolved] disagree imahottie 2014-7-25 210 Specific 2014-9-12 22:12
Reward Nensns - [Resolved] disagree mar4 2014-7-25 29 Specific 2014-9-12 22:12
Reward Nahahha - [Resolved] disagree mar3 2014-7-25 37 Specific 2014-9-12 22:11
Reward Nannana - [Resolved] Mar2 2014-7-25 26 Specific 2014-9-12 22:10
Reward Jsjnsn kskk - [Resolved] disagree MAR1 2014-7-25 28 Specific 2014-9-12 22:09
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