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Reward N/A 新人帖 - [Resolved] BombBud 2014-11-4 110 tyrant 2014-11-4 22:53
Islicky coords in G1 penguin 2014-10-27 433 wadyaua 2014-11-4 02:08
Montly events looking forward to them? Ali 2014-10-27 419 Stefan11 2014-10-30 04:59
Vote Who would like to see more merges every 3-5Months???  ...23 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-23 2490 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-10-28 23:25
exchange khunbros 2014-7-13 729 joshee10 2014-10-26 00:14
Vote What do you want to see in Lv. 10 invaders or Lv. 10 fields? Phteven 2014-7-10 636 Mous 2014-10-24 13:34
Come On Wistone! MONGOOSE 2014-7-12 323 Mous 2014-10-22 20:02
Vote Wall Defense help against Plunders?  ...2 Vynchor 2014-6-16 1549 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:54
Vote what are you ℅©®Δ®©℅ 2014-7-9 528 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:45
Vote Who will win the FIFA World Cup Finals? Killua 2014-7-9 727 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:45
Vote Who would like to see more gold earned for consecutive daily sign ins? JL78 2014-7-3 522 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:43
Transfer 新人帖 shuv500 2014-7-8 624 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:42
Vote what is your troops count ℅©®Δ®©℅ 2014-7-9 744 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:38
Vote Rankings for community? ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-7-11 430 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:37
Vote should diamond be transferable from one player to another like resources? khunbros 2014-7-8 526 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:37
good vs airdivsion?? 新人帖 kerrigen 2014-7-10 836 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:36
Ultra Energy Units basic info ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-7-15 542 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:35
sounds or music  ...2 maverick 2014-7-2 1434 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:34
Confusing here hook 2014-7-16 421 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:33
Guide For Intermediates: Need a Navy? attach_img agree  ...2 trust 2014-8-11 13109 wadyaua 2014-10-22 16:32
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