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Think the spam is getting out of control.. agree  ...2 Vynchor 2014-6-13 1030 SUBODEI 2014-6-18 03:36
Upgrade for Legendary Conquered Gear Zangief 2014-6-15 118 SUBODEI 2014-6-17 14:53
carrier super group? Vodka 2014-6-15 412 SUBODEI 2014-6-17 14:51
How to earn reputation and contribution here  ...2 Gravity 2014-5-31 1436 N⚽️⚽️B 2014-6-17 14:48
Touch Screen Version  ...2 Gravity 2014-5-31 1021 SUBODEI 2014-6-17 14:15
City buildings (for beginers) Gravity 2014-6-6 940 SUBODEI 2014-6-17 14:04
Why do special forces suck so bad?  ...2 Vodka 2014-6-14 1549 WalknDead 2014-6-17 13:29
Friendly game Portugal-Greece  ...2 Gravity 2014-5-31 1219 SUBODEI 2014-6-17 13:26
Vote Should resource fields contain chests again? (Server M11 Droid)  ...2 yourdad 2014-6-10 1138 thestriker 2014-6-17 05:25
Vote Should scout wipes give honor?  ...2 JL78 2014-6-14 1349 Kevin 2014-6-17 05:24
Vote Anyone else having issues getting supply pack ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-15 520 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-17 05:21
Vote Trading gear/jewelry be allowed? ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-16 532 khunbros 2014-6-17 05:19
Vote HOW MUCH MONEY YOU SPEND ON THE GAME IN A MONTH ℅©®Δ®©℅ 2014-6-14 1063 Vynchor 2014-6-17 05:19
Vote What is your age range ? yourdad 2014-6-15 422 khunbros 2014-6-17 05:18
Vote SHOULD WISTONE PUT 30-100 MIL RES IN LEVEL 10 fIELDS FOR OLD SERVERS? Survivor 2014-6-10 954 khunbros 2014-6-17 05:16
Vote Is W2V community really helping the player? Killua 2014-6-16 330 khunbros 2014-6-17 05:15
Android some gears attack officer stats attach_img ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-16 027 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-16 23:36
Vote Who will Win The NBA Finals 2014 新人帖  ...23456..8 zourdik 2014-6-3 7474 Killua 2014-6-16 05:10
Vote who will win? Ghana or USA khunbros 2014-6-14 025 khunbros 2014-6-16 00:08
Vote FIFA JUNE 16th Portugal Vs. Germany ?? ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-13 221 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-14 04:15
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