Commanders Community of War2Victory

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本版置顶 Hide top How to earn gold here in our community!  ...23456..18 Ivan 2014-5-28 170683 مروان 2017-7-13 14:21
本版置顶 Hide top General Rules 新人帖  ...2345 admin 2014-5-6 43290 pauldolph 2015-11-18 10:40
本版置顶 Hide top Links of Our facebook page and Twitter  ...2 Ivan 2014-5-21 1286 Rich 2015-11-10 08:10
本版置顶 Hide top General Rules of Commanders Community of War 2 Victory 新人帖  ...234 Ivan 2014-5-20 38257 Ali 2014-12-7 20:25
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Vote Who Thinks Skills Should Be Free ????  ...23 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-9 26243 91Bravo 2017-9-11 06:37
Vote Why is it that level 10 buildings cost $5.00 in diamonds? 新人帖  ...2345 FearMe 2014-6-6 45339 Moz 2017-9-11 06:36
Vote Make V Orders Easier To Obtain  ...2 253 2014-6-16 13124 pauldolph 2017-9-11 06:36
Vote Should great heroes or great officers be in random level 10 NPC cities and fi...  ...2345 Vodka 2014-6-19 49352 FelixRuno 2017-9-11 06:35
Vote Winning Free Diamonds which method works best  ...23456 Ali 2014-8-1 52417 deafjeff 2017-9-11 06:34
Vote Favorite type of armies  ...2 Squirrel 2014-6-4 16153 mmb110 2017-9-11 06:33
A how-to guide of buying supplies from our Commissary attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..9 Ivan 2014-5-30 812317 AL-FATEH 2017-8-7 15:45
Vote What age range are you? 新人帖  ...234 bigcatcity 2014-6-11 31215 GoW 2017-1-14 09:58
Scout planes intercept 新人帖 rolls 2016-4-3 046 rolls 2016-4-3 19:10
1 last merge PirateGar 2016-3-27 057 PirateGar 2016-3-27 05:37
after many days khunbros 2016-3-21 020 khunbros 2016-3-21 00:43
Vote Which 1 you want to do?  ...23 Warman 2014-7-2 25153 mmb110 2016-1-19 20:51
Reward carrot is a pussy 新人帖 - [Reward 1 Gold] attach_img pauldolph 2015-11-18 526 pauldolph 2015-11-20 06:27
GLORIA SET MISSING!!!!!! 新人帖 Rich 2015-11-10 033 Rich 2015-11-10 08:08
War to Victory Greed 2015-10-27 269 Artkin 2015-11-4 10:50
What the hell is going on??? 新人帖 Zelda 2015-11-1 268 Greed 2015-11-1 17:47
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