Commanders Community of War2Victory

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Rick's Café Américain Today: 0|Theme: 833|Rank: 9 

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Vote Should wistone add more building levels (all buildings)  ...2 CptBeast 2014-8-21 1871 CptBeast 2014-9-9 11:30
Vote should there be a representative for gamers ?  ...2 yourdad 2014-6-21 1558 253 2014-9-9 09:38
100 days login attach_img khunbros 2014-9-9 04 khunbros 2014-9-9 03:33
Vote Old events like koth and wrecking ball weekly were great bring em back?  ...2 Aries 2014-7-23 1488 YOOPY 2014-9-8 17:00
5000 diamonds  ...2 hook 2014-8-6 1555 Mous 2014-9-8 16:13
Wanna Be My Friend O.o attach_img  ...2 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-5-30 1240 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:40
bluestack khunbros 2014-9-5 412 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:39
ivan's profile picture khunbros 2014-9-6 317 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:38
Vote What would you improve on game if you Could? agree  ...234 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-5-30 40129 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:36
Vote What do you Like MOST about the game?  ...2 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-5-30 1768 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:35
Vote Should be able to see start date for iOS ??? ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-6-11 1051 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:34
Vote You are a .....?  ...2 Phteven 2014-7-10 1374 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:33
most interesting event khunbros 2014-9-6 117 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:32
Vote Create a new server that's NO BUYING ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-8-8 1055 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:31
Vote Do You think they over do it (Too many rewards/buys) for the spenders?  ...234 ༄ᏦᏔᎬᎬNZ༄ 2014-5-30 33142 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:29
i need gold 新人帖 swagger 2014-9-7 14 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:29
lol i know how to now swagger 2014-9-7 15 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:28
Gold swagger 2014-9-7 35 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:27
join my alliance 新人帖 ARCHANGEL4 2014-9-7 13 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:27
|★|CONSTRUCTIVE IDEAS FOR WISTONE|★| 253 2014-9-5 522 wadyaua 2014-9-8 14:26
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