Commanders Community of War2Victory

Hot Search: event hero diamonds

Kevin(UID: 241)

  • Personal sign  
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me
  • SexMale
  • Birth Day1990 Years 7 Month 25 Day
  • EducationJunior

Active profile

  • Online Time18 hours
  • Registration date2014-5-30 11:18
  • Last Visit2014-11-15 16:38
  • Last online time2014-11-15 16:38
  • Last post time2014-11-15 16:41
  • Time ZoneDefault


  • Used space 0 B
  • Credits412
  • Reputation0
  • Gold97
  • Contribution0


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